Peter Answers

Curiosity kills the cat, they say. Since morning everyone i know, around me, has been trying to know what's in store for them. The tarot reading provided by Peter is quite true and astonishingly so, it keeps many people wondering that how can it be so accurate.The excitement for me, did not last very long, because I found out how it worked.

For the lesser fortunate ones, who did not realise that this is some kinda trick, spent hours wondering about it's veracity and functioanlity. I still see them writing petitions to Peter. Poor people !!

How did Peter change lives?
- Shawn has been looking for a girl named Shreya because Peter answered that Shreya would be her next girlfriend's name. The guy, I am sure, is desperate and the search never-ending.

-Laila has resigned from her current job, because Peter answered that she will be thrown out of her current organisation.

-Nihal is planning to spy on his wife because Peter answered that his wife is dating someone else.

Ignorance, sometimes, isn't bliss.
Silly junta. I pity them. hhmph...

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