Looking within

What age is it when you grow up? They keep asking me... Why don't you grow up? You have all degrees and qualification but you lack the maturity. How will you train your kids to become good individuals if you lack maturity yourself? The alibis that i have been giving since ages have been ignored, always.
There was a nice movie where the actor adopts a kid to prove that he can responsible too. His girlfriend never beleives that they were good enough to get married because she always thought that her boyfriend did not know what resposibilities were. In the process to make his girlfriend realise that he isn't a blacksheep, he adopts a kid and later goes on to lose his girfriend which was obviously bound to happen. But in the process of realising his potential of being responsible and mature he realises that it is very necessary for the kids to learn certain things all by themselves. He also goes to the limit of letting the kid decide a name of his own and the kid names himself -Frankenstein.
But i have realised that i am under a lot of pressure and i keep getting directions at every moment in my life. Is it too much dependence on parents, my inability to make decisions, lack of freedom or am i simply bound by the values and morals of being obedient all the time. Well, i am not obedient all the time. My master says that disagreeing is different from disobeying or disrespecting. But when the youngsters, today, put forth their views, they are said to be the disobedient, useless, hopeless generation with no morals.
I beg to differ! There has to be some point of time when you have to let go the kid and let it grow all by himself. That is when you will see him grow in true terms. Some people prefer being children all their lives, carefree and full of enthusiasm. In the entire process of introspection you tend to lose your individuality. You can't make everyone happy, even if they are you elders back home. Because what you are cannot be changed but what and how you do things in certain situation can change with time.
The generation gap needs attention, otherwise this will go on and the expectations of our elders and the aspirations of the youngsters won't be ever aligned.

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