Voila.. !!


There is more to what i see
There is more to what i do
If i knew what exactly it is
I'd love to share it with you!!

There are views, there are previews, and then there are reviews.....
Phew!! Through this blog, i attempt to put forward my takes on certain issues. It isn't just about life, it isn't about inspiration. It is about life and inspiration in a bigger way... There is so much to our mere existence.

There wouldn't be exaggerations, nor euphemisms. The figures of speech that i chose for this blog are Pun and oxymoron ... all the way!!!

There will be infinite proxy posts.... so be game for anything that is worth a read, thought and opinion!!

Thought to think and a thing to do:
How to make God laugh: Tell him your future plans!!!
- Woody Allen (Hail!! Woody Allen!!! )

1 hits on the puns:

Salil September 6, 2008 at 11:50 AM  

So where are the promised posts? I know, you smartly never gave any deadlines..

About this blog

It's all about being more expressive and speaking your heart out.

We don't do that much, do we?